
克里斯托弗年代. 84年托马斯。

2019 Recipient of the Distinguished Alumnus Award for Professional Achievement

1984年克里斯·托马斯从博天堂官方入口登陆登录毕业时, the concept of networking personal computers (PCs) was new and the ideas of logging into the Internet and world wide web were virtually unknown. 有趣的是,国际电信联盟估计3.到2018年底,将有90亿人使用互联网. Thomas’ career parallels this growth with each successive billion having different challenges including inventing technology, 建立基础设施, standardizing ecosystems and engaging business and governments to realize the economic value of technology deployment.

他被认为是科技行业的梦想家, Thomas worked for the Intel Corporation for more than 25 years as the company grew from $1 billion to over $50 billion in revenue. 在英特尔工作期间, he became well known for driving industry standardization and next generation solutions. He pioneered new techniques for ecosystem and industry engagements that helped sustain Intel’s rapid growth and set the stage for his Industry Development business.

Thomas joined Intel Corporation in 1988, after working for a startup networking PCs to mainframes. 在英特尔,他专注于计算机网络和标准化. 在他的位置上, 他为早期的企业内部网开发产品, 创建了桌面管理任务组(DMTF), influenced the Fast Ethernet Alliance and was the architect of core technologies behind the successful LANDeskTM Management Suite. In 1996, Thomas was recognized with an Intel Achievement Award – Intel’s highest employee honor – for his role in positioning Intel as a leader in PC Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and Manageability by driving industry-wide improvements in the setup and management of PCs.

In 1997, 在过渡到英特尔新的服务器部门之后, he was credited with achieving “peace with honor” with Microsoft by negotiating the combining of two competing server specifications into a co- authored Hardware Design Guide for Windows NT Server 1.这导致了顶级服务器制造商的接受.

现在大多数个人电脑都连上了万维网, Thomas turned his focus to extending Intel’s relevance in enterprise business computing. He co-founded Intel’s Distributed Enterprise Architecture Lab to prove out and engage companies in the early deployment of eBusiness solutions and established an Industry Strategic Marketing team to encourage broad eBusiness solution adoption, leading to his tenure as Intel’s Chief Strategist for solutions and market development.

2002年,托马斯积极地发现并参与了美国.S. Health and Human Services Department in the redesign of the Grants.gov eGovernment initiative, saving billions for taxpayers annually.

In 2004, Thomas was recognized with an additional Intel Achievement Award for establishing the Mobilized Software Initiative which engaged companies to retool their software in order to seamlessly work with WiFi hot spots prior to large scale roll outs of laptops with WiFi.

同年, he also received recognition for leading an engagement with Charles Schwab where his team succeeded in optimizing some of Schwab’s problematic systems and prototyping clusters of Intel- Based servers on Linux. This led to cost saving programs that migrated financial service industry data centers to Intel-based servers at Schwab, 然后是纳斯达克和其他许多公司.

In 2005, he worked with Intel’s Israel Design Center to extrapolate how future software computing models might impact microprocessor architectures. The resulting predictive planning process helped design engineers incorporate the anticipated workloads into future microprocessor requirements.

With Intel achieving well above 80% market share in PC and server markets, Intel sought to find ways to expand computer usage in emerging markets creating the World Ahead group.

In 2007, 托马斯加入世界领先, 还有副总裁约翰·戴维斯, to become the group’s Chief Strategist and Director of Architecture. 在这个角色中, he managed a worldwide team of solutions architects tasked with overcoming third-world problems like poor infrastructure and country specific challenges in support of solutions for education, tele-centers, 和医疗. 他还积极参与世界经济论坛IT活动, 云计算, 互联网安全和宽带活动.

In 2008, Thomas worked with NetHope and Catholic Relief Services to architect a digital cassava disease tracking and farmer training system that helped stave off financial crisis and food shortages for approximately 40 million people in six African countries.

In 2010, 托马斯与美国贸易代表协会进行了接触, a government-sponsored effort to train people from emerging countries. 生成的数据中心, 在维多利亚湖渔场产生, was the catalyst for the European Union funding 6 state-of-the-art fish processing facilities in Uganda, 肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚, 提高效率, 尼罗河鲈鱼出口到欧洲的卫生和质量.

2014年正式从英特尔退休, Thomas continues to focus at the intersection of the physical and virtual worlds. He co-founded The Stonington Group with his friend and Carroll Alum Rob Lampereur '85. 作为行业发展的先锋, they help companies identify the actions needed to create and engage new markets, 行业, 和生态系统.

Thomas是Agilix Labs Inc .的董事会成员., developing online and mobile learning environments and is also co-author of the book Mashup Corporations. 他在当地社区很活跃, 尤其是涉及到他的孩子沈和詹姆的时候, 包括侦察, 训练, 还帮助创建了一个课后电脑俱乐部.

Thomas graduated from Carroll in 1984 with degrees in Computer Science and Spanish. He maintains strong ties and annual traditions with other Delta Rho Upsilon alumni. His older brother Steve also attended Carroll, graduating in 1980. He credits his Carroll liberal arts education with helping him navigate the complexities of the engineering, 市场营销, 他的职业生涯包括销售和开发角色.


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