Tim Suchomel, Carroll University faculty

Dr. Timothy Suchomel

运动科学副教授,运动生理学和表现教练理学硕士项目主任 Get Contact Info


Exercise Science Sport Physiology and Performance Coaching (SPPC)


Dr. Suchomel于2016年秋季开始在人体运动科学系担任助理教授. He is originally from Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.

Follow Dr. Suchomel on Twitter at @DrTSuchomel!


  • 东田纳西州立大学,运动生理学与表现博士,2015
  • 威斯康星大学拉克罗斯分校,人类表现硕士(应用运动科学),2012
  • 威斯康星大学奥什科什分校,运动机能学学士学位(力量与调节辅修),2010年

Areas of Specialization

Strength and Conditioning, Weightlifting Movements, Athletic Testing and Monitoring, Postactivation Potentiation

Scholarly and Professional Achievements


Book Chapters

Suchomel, T.J., McMahon, J.J., and Lake, J.P. Combined Assessment Methods. In: Performance Assessment in Strength and Conditioning (Comfort, P., Jones, P.A., and McMahon, J.J., editors). 2018.

McMahon, J.J., Lake, J.P., and Suchomel, T.J. Jumps. In: Performance Assessment in Strength and Conditioning (Comfort, P., Jones, P.A., and McMahon, J.J., editors). 2018.

Ebben, W.P. and Suchomel, T.J. 男女运动员跑步时肌肉激活模式的分析, Cutting, and Jumping. In: 女运动员的前交叉韧带损伤:原因、影响和调理方案,2nd Edition (Noyes, F.R. and Barber-Westin, S., editors). pp. 167-187. 2018.

Suchomel, T.J. and Comfort, P. Developing Strength and Power. In: Strength and Conditioning Science: Evidence Based Practice (Turner, A. and Comfort, P., editors). pp. 13-38. 2018.

Suchomel, T.J. Technical Demands of Strength Training. In: Strength and Conditioning Science: Evidence Based Practice (Turner, A. and Comfort, P., editors). pp. 229-248. 2018.

Suchomel, T.J. Weightlifting for Sports Performance. In: Strength and Conditioning Science: Evidence Based Practice (Turner, A. and Comfort, P., editors).  pp. 249-273. 2018.
Journal Articles

Suchomel, T.J., Giordanelli, Geiser, C.F., and Kipp, K. 载荷吸收接头的举重导数功比较. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Epub ahead of print November 17th, 2018.

Suchomel, T.J., Nimphius, S., and Stone, M.H. 衡量一级运动员的最大力量:我们是否符合假设? Sports Biomechanics. Epub ahead of print, August 13th, 2018.

Locturo, I., Suchomel, T.J., Bishop, C., Kobal, R., Pereira, L.A., and McGuigan, M.R. 1RM测量或最大杆功率输出:这与运动表现更相关? International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. Epub ahead of print, May 29th, 2018. 

James, L.P., Comfort, P., Suchomel, T.J., Kelly, V.G., Beckman, E.M., and Haff, G.G. 力量清洁能力和训练年龄对举重训练适应能力的影响. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Epub ahead of print, March 14th, 2018.

Lake, J.P., Mundy, P.D., Comfort, P., McMahon, J.J., Suchomel, T.J., and Carden, P.J. 杠铃载荷对垂直起跳落地力-时间特性的影响. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Epub ahead of print, February 27th, 2018.

Locturo, I., Suchomel, T.J., Kobal, R., Arruda, A.F.S., Guerriero, A., Pereira, L.A., and Pai, C.N. 三种不同俯卧动作的力-速度关系. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Epub ahead of print, February 27th, 2018.

McMahon, J.J., Suchomel, T.J., Lake, J.P., and Comfort, P. 橄榄球联盟球员反应性强度指标变异的关系. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Epub ahead of print, February 1st, 2018.

Comfort, P., Thomas, C., Dos’Santos, T., Suchomel, T.J., Jones, P.A., and McMahon, J.J. 力量训练后动态力量指数的变化. Sports 6: 176, 2018.

Hornsby, W.G., Gentles, J.A., Comfort, P., Suchomel, T.J., Mizuguchi, S., and Stone, M.H. 有和没有运动位移的阻力训练容积负荷. Sports 6: 137, 2018.

Sole, C.J., Suchomel, T.J., and Stone, M.H. NCAA男女一级运动员反应性力量指数评价参考值的初步量表-修正. Sports 6: 133, 2018.

Comfort, P., McMahon, J.J., and Suchomel, T.J. Optimizing squat technique – Revisited. Strength and Conditioning Journal 40: 68-74, 2018.

Comfort, P., Dos’Santos, T., Thomas, C., McMahon, J.J., and Suchomel, T.J. 在等长和动态任务中,排除清洁的捕获阶段对力-时间特征的影响:一项干预研究. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 32: 2116-2129, 2018.

Suchomel, T.J., Taber, C.B., Sole, C.J., and Stone, M.H. 弹道式和非弹道式半深蹲的力-时间差异. Sports 6: 79, 2018.

McMahon, J.J., Suchomel, T.J., Lake, J.P., and Comfort, P. 了解反动作跳跃力-时间曲线的关键阶段. Strength and Conditioning Journal 40: 96-106, 2018.

Suchomel, T.J., Nimphius, S., Bellon, C.R., and Stone, M.H. The importance of muscular strength: Training considerations. Sports Medicine 48: 765-785, 2018.


2018年新西兰运动表现研究所力量与调节会议. 肌肉力量的重要性:对运动表现的考虑.” Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand. November 14-16, 2018.

2018年新西兰运动表现研究所力量与调节会议. 举重衍生品:技术、变化和实际应用.” Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand. November 14-16, 2018.

2018澳大利亚力量与调节协会应用力量与调节国际会议. 冲浪力-速度曲线与举重导数:现实世界的应用.” ANZ Stadium, Sydney, Australia. November 9-11, 2018.

National Strength and Conditioning Association 40th Annual Meeting. “弥合差距讲座:在阻力训练计划中使用举重牵拉衍生物。.” Las Vegas, NV. July 12-15, 2017.

National Strength and Conditioning Association 40th Annual Meeting. 《博天堂官方入口登陆登录手机入口》.” Las Vegas, NV. July 12-15, 2017.


全国力量与体能协会第41届年会. 举重抓或拉衍生品训练10周后的动态和等长力量适应:初步发现.” Indianapolis, IN. July 11-14, 2018.

全国力量与体能协会第41届年会. 10周举重抓或拉衍生品训练后的冲刺和方向改变适应:初步发现.” Indianapolis, IN. July 11-14, 2018.

Service to Carroll University and Profession

Carroll University

  • 人体运动科学系副教授
  • Strength and Conditioning 
  • Athlete Testing and Monitoring

Honors and Awards


  • 2016年东田纳西州立大学克莱默教育学院运动与体育科学系优秀论文奖
  • 2015年博士研究生杰出领奖奖, 全国力量和体能协会全国会议, Orlando, FL, July 8-11, 2015
  • 2012年硕士研究生研究成果优秀海报展示奖, 全国力量和体能协会全国会议, Providence, RI, July 11-14, 2012

Grant Involvement

  • 国家力量与体能协会国际合作基金, 题目:在等长和动态任务中,排除清洁的捕获阶段对肌肉结构和力-时间特征变化的影响的调查:一项干预研究. Co-author: Dr. Paul Comfort ($35,580)

What is your teaching style?

作为一名教师,我的目标是让学生不仅能理解课堂上的材料, but to be able to apply it within their future professions. My teaching style includes using various verbal, visual, 和音频例子,以产生发人深省的问题和讨论. 这将引导学生了解如何在实际环境中使用这些信息.

Why do you do what you do?

我开始对运动和运动科学感兴趣是为了提高运动成绩. 我攻读博士学位是为了有机会既教书又做研究,以帮助学生提高他们对运动员表现的许多方面的理解.

How do you make learning engaging?

我经常在上课开始时播放视频,以便让学生为即将到来的材料做好准备,或者在开始讲课材料之前让他们发笑. In addition, 我用了许多不同的例子,以便希望从事不同职业的学生可以将每个主题联系起来.

What should students know about you?


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