Allison Tomczyk '18

主要: 化学 (美国化学学会认可的重点)
小: 生物学


我一直对科学很感兴趣, so it was only natural for me to pursue a major in the science field. I decided to declare my major in chemistry my sophomore year. 当时, I was taking analytical chemistry (CHE201) and organic chemistry (CHE203/204), 这些因素对我的决定影响最大. 我真的很喜欢那些课程, because I had the opportunity to have more hands-on experiences during labs. 实验总是使我想起解谜, 这是我觉得非常满意和值得的事情吗. Also, I’m generally a person who prefers to work individually. 然而, 在实验室, 我有机会与同龄人密切合作, and I found it was the perfect balance of working independently and collaboratively for me. 因为我对化学课程很感兴趣, I considered pursuing careers 在实验室oratories or chemistry research. The experiences I had in these courses fit well with my personality, 激情和长期目标, 所以我知道化学专业很适合我.


在我的课程中, 我学到了很多化学概念, methodology and instrumentation that will be useful in my future career as a chemist. 还有这个知识集, I learned the importance in working as a team and having confidence in your own abilities. 不管我的化学事业走向何方, I know having the skills to confidently communicate and work well with others will always be beneficial.

What opportunities have you had to work closely with a faculty member and what impact has that had on your education?

My favorite aspect about Carroll is that I do not feel like another face in the crowd. I truly believe the small class sizes and personal attention I received from professors were influential in my academic success. All of the chemistry faculty professors know me by name and have taken the time to get to know me as more than just a student in their class. It is clear that the faculty truly cares about each individual. 具体来说,作为卡罗尔2016年的参与者 先锋博天堂官方入口登陆登录本科生研究计划, I had the opportunity to work closely with my professor, Dr. Piatt约瑟夫, on a chemistry research project in partnership with UW-Milwaukee’s Joseph J. 齐伯公共卫生学院. 博士. Piatt’s mentee, I not only had the chance to build a relationship with Dr. Piatt在教室外面, 但我也获得了很多批判性思考的经验, working in a laboratory setting and carrying out the 科学研究 process. The relationships I have with the chemistry faculty enable me to bring forth my best effort and feel comfortable coming to them with questions about course material or research and internship opportunities.

What’s a unique experience you’ve had relating to the coursework for your major?

A unique experience available to you as a chemistry major is to have the opportunity to apply for the CREATE国际研究项目. 本项目资金选择 生物化学 or chemistry majors to travel to a university in Scotland to work on a chemistry research project for a summer. Housing and travel are at no cost to the student, and there is a stipend awarded. The chance to travel to another country for the summer and gain research experience is a unique opportunity that not every school, 或者在博天堂官方入口登陆登录主修, 提供了. I was chosen as a participant in the 2017 Summer CREATE program, and it is a great honor to be selected by the chemistry faculty to represent 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 at Strathclyde University in Scotland.

How has Carroll enriched your growth as a person outside of the skills you’re learning in the classroom?

Even though I am majoring in chemistry, I still am able to explore my other interests. 例如, 我对生态学和进化感兴趣, and I was able to add a biology minor to explore these interests further. 在课堂之外,我是一个积极参与的成员 卡罗尔化学俱乐部. While it might seem like chemistry club members spend their meetings doing chemistry problems, 我可以向你保证,情况并非如此! Joining chemistry club allowed me to meet people with similar interests as my own. 通过加入,我认识了大多数最亲密的朋友. 我在化学俱乐部的时候, I had opportunities to volunteer in the community by participating in Earth Day clean ups and participating in chemistry demos at local elementary schools. 化学 club also occasionally joins Carroll’s Curling Club, 现在, 我发现了一项我绝对想继续的新运动. 整体, my course load has not impacted me exploring other interests-I still have a life outside of class!

If you were recommending your major to a prospective student, what would you tell them?

I know from my own experience that whenever I say I am a chemistry major or mention a science class I am taking, 人们通常会问我这是不是太难了. 所有专业都有挑战性的方面需要完成, 如果你真的对化学感兴趣, I would not let rumors about the difficulty of a required course deter you. 学化学专业确实需要时间投入. 一开始我觉得有点不知所措, 但假以时日, it becomes part of your routine as you learn to manage your time effectively. If you see yourself in the science field, chemistry is a perfect area to study. 化学 applies to so many aspects of life and can be a beneficial background for people of several different interests. 例如, chemistry can be a great major for people interested in environmental or pharmaceutical work, 科学研究, 医疗保健, 工业与生产, 或者法医科学. It is truly a major that can be applied to many fields and areas of concentration.


我很高兴我选择了博天堂官方入口登陆登录. Because of the small campus, I never feel like another face in the crowd. I know I have an appreciated place in the campus community and have had opportunities that have been beneficial for my academic and professional career. 对我来说, the best part of my Carroll experience has been the relationships I have made with the faculty and students. 我在卡罗遇到的人都很关心我, and simply having these great relationships make going through college so much easier and fun!


开始你的 先锋之旅
